The US bankruptcy means test forms are complex, so we built a free Chapter 7 means test calculator below to help you estimate Chapter 7 qualification.
The calculator is 100% free and is based on the US bankruptcy forms. The calculator can estimate the all-in cost of Chapter 7 bankruptcy in addition to providing the pros and cons of Chapter 7 bankruptcy. You can also compare Chapter 7 to other options. Not even an email address is required (unless you want to save the results or want additional help) as we wanted to provide a completely free resource to help you understand the bankruptcy option.
Once you finish the Chapter 7 means test calculator, you will see a results screen like the Chapter 7 calculator results image below. This estimate is for a user in Louisiana.

Now that you have your results, the purpose of this article is to help you estimate your Chapter 7 qualification and explain how the Chapter 7 means test calculator works.
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