Cost to File Bankruptcy in Tennessee (2024)

Bankruptcy can feel like an overwhelming journey, but understanding the cost to file and the estimated bankruptcy attorney fees in Tennessee is the first step.
Information in this article does not constitute legal advice, it is for informational purposes only, and may not constitute the most up-to-date information. Readers should contact their attorney for advice on any particular legal matter.

If you're thinking about filing for bankruptcy in Tennessee, you might be wondering about the costs involved. Well, let me tell you, it's not as simple as just a flat fee. The amount depends on whether you're filing for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13, whether you decide to hire a bankruptcy attorney, and if you're eligible to have the filing fees waived. In 2024, you'll be spending about $338 for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy and $313 for a Chapter 13 bankruptcy. So, let's dive into it!

First things first, we wanted to get an accurate estimate of how much bankruptcy attorneys in Tennessee charge. We dug deep and spent around $1,000 on PACER, a public records database that holds bankruptcy attorney fees. And what did we find? As of 2024, the range for Chapter 7 attorney fees in Tennessee is between $1,000 and $1,500. Now, keep in mind that this is just an estimate, alright? If you want a more precise figure based on your exact location in Tennessee, we've got you covered. Check out our free Tennessee bankruptcy cost calculator below!

Now, I know what you’re thinking, how on earth can you afford bankruptcy in Tennessee when you're struggling to pay your bills? Trust me, I get it. With interest rates and inflation still causing headaches in 2024, it's tough out there. But here's the deal: while some bankruptcy costs like the filing fee and credit counseling courses are pretty similar across the board, the real game-changer is the attorney fees. And guess what? They can vary dramatically depending on whether you're in Nashville or Memphis.

So, to sum it all up, this article is here to give you a breakdown of the estimated all-in costs of filing for bankruptcy in Tennessee. We're talking about two main things: bankruptcy attorney fees and bankruptcy filing costs. Keep reading to get the lowdown on what you can expect.

Estimate the All-In Bankruptcy Cost in Your Zip Code

We've been getting a ton of questions about the cost of bankruptcy in Tennessee. So, guess what? We went ahead and created a database of attorney fees just for you! To find out how much bankruptcy might cost you in your city in Tennessee, all you need to do is enter your zip code below. We've got this tool that'll estimate the cost for you. It's like having your very own bankruptcy cost estimator at your fingertips! Just pop in your zip code, and you'll get an estimate of the bankruptcy costs in your area. It's that easy! So go ahead, give it a try and see what you discover. We're here to help you navigate the world of bankruptcy with ease. 

Keep on reading, or jump ahead to the section that interests you most.

Table of Contents

1. Actual Lawyer Costs By District In Tennessee

Although we have provided a range of bankruptcy attorneys' fees above, the exact price will depend on a few more factors. A few factors that affect the overall cost are the bankruptcy lawyer's location, the complexity of the case, the attorney-client relationship, and the expert's degree of knowledge. However, since the location is so important, let's examine the actual costs as indicated by the Tennessee bankruptcy district map and the Pacer filing data.

See the map below to determine which district you reside in, then scroll down to see actual legal fees.

Map of Western, Middle and Eastern District in Tennessee

Tennessee Western District

Encompassing a substantial area, the Western District of Tennessee includes major cities like Memphis, Jackson, and Dyersburg. Operating within the central time zone, this district comprises 22 counties. It features a main courthouse in Memphis and satellite divisions in Jackson and Dyersburg, collectively managed by 6 active district judges and 4 magistrate judges. The Western District of Tennessee is known for its cultural richness, historical significance, and economic diversity, making it a unique region in the state.

For residents in proximity to these major areas within Tennessee's Western District, the expected bankruptcy filing cost can vary, often falling within a range from $800.00 to $1,014.00. It's crucial to bear in mind that this is an estimate, and actual expenses may fluctuate based on factors such as your financial situation and the choice of legal representation. 

Tennessee Middle District

Encompassing a significant area, the Middle District of Tennessee includes major cities like Nashville, Murfreesboro, and Clarksville. Operating within the central time zone, this district comprises 31 counties. It features a primary courthouse in Nashville and additional court facilities across the district, overseen by 7 active district judges and 5 magistrate judges.The Middle District of Tennessee is recognized for its vibrant music scene, cultural attractions, and diverse economic activities, contributing to the region's dynamic character.

For residents in proximity to these major areas within Tennessee's Middle District, the expected bankruptcy filing cost can vary, often falling within a range from $1,250.00 to $2,000.00. It's crucial to bear in mind that this is an estimate, and actual expenses may fluctuate based on factors such as your financial situation and the choice of legal representation. 

Tennessee Eastern District

Encompassing a substantial area, the Eastern District of Tennessee includes major cities like Knoxville, Chattanooga, and Johnson City. Operating within the eastern time zone, this district comprises 41 counties. It features a central courthouse in Knoxville and additional court facilities across the district, overseen by 5 active district judges and 4 magistrate judges. The Eastern District of Tennessee is renowned for its scenic landscapes, historical sites, and diverse economic activities, contributing to the overall richness of the region.

For residents in proximity to these major areas within Tennessee's Eastern District, the expected bankruptcy filing cost can vary, often falling within a range from $400.00 to $2,442.00. It's crucial to bear in mind that this is an estimate, and actual expenses may fluctuate based on factors such as your financial situation and the choice of legal representation. 

2. Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Attorney Fees Tennessee

Chapter 13 bankruptcy attorneys in Tennessee can charge around $3,000. The actual fee may vary depending on the district. Unlike Chapter 7 attorney fees, Chapter 13 fees tend to be more consistent due to something called "no-look fees." These fees are a fair and reasonable cost for the services provided. However, it's worth noting that some attorneys may charge an hourly rate for any extra work required after filing for Chapter 13. So, it's a good idea to inquire about additional charges if necessary.

3. Bankruptcy Filing Costs

Bankruptcy filing costs in the United States are pretty much the same, not only in Tennessee. But hold on tight, because there are some other costs you need to keep in mind too.

Bankruptcy Filing Fees

The US Courthouse has a fee schedule and a bankruptcy form that outlines the filing fee.

For Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the filing fee is $338. This includes a $245 filing fee, a $78 administrative fee, and a $15 trustee surcharge.

If you're considering Chapter 13 bankruptcy, the filing fee is $313. This consists of a $235 filing fee and a $78 administrative fee.

Now, I understand that shelling out that kind of money might not be easy for everyone. But don't worry, there are options available. You may be able to pay the filing fee in installments or, in some cases, have it waived altogether. To get more information on this, you can check out the Tennessee filing fee information and the details below.

Tennessee Filing Fee Waiver Guidelines

There's a chance you could have your filing fees waived if your income falls below 150% of the Tennessee poverty guidelines. Now, let me break it down for you. For instance, let's take a look at the poverty guidelines for Tennessee in 2022. These guidelines vary depending on the number of people in your household. If you're a single individual, your income should be below $13,590 to be eligible. If you have a household of two, the income limit is $18,310. For three people, it's $23,030, and so on. But wait, there's more! If you have more than nine individuals in your household, you can add an extra $4,720 for each additional person. It's important to keep in mind that these guidelines are subject to change, so it's a good idea to double-check the most up-to-date figures. So, if your income falls within these limits, you may qualify to have your Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing fees waived. It's a great opportunity to get some financial relief during a challenging time. Just make sure to gather all the necessary documentation and consult with a bankruptcy attorney to navigate the process smoothly. Remember, bankruptcy can be a complex and overwhelming journey, but with the right support and guidance, you can get through it. Stay positive, and take the necessary steps to regain control of your financial situation.

Mandatory Course Costs

When you're in a tough financial spot and decide to file for bankruptcy, there are a couple of courses you'll need to take in Tennessee. These courses are designed to give you the knowledge and tools to better manage your finances in the future. The good news is that you can often complete these courses online, making them convenient and accessible. Now, let's talk about the cost. On average, you can expect to pay around $10 to $50 per course. It's important to note that these courses must be approved, so you'll want to make sure you're taking the right ones. To help you out, I've got a couple of handy links for you. First up, we have the list of approved Tennessee credit counseling courses. These courses will provide you with valuable insights on credit management and financial planning. And don't worry, the cost associated with each course is also listed. Next, we have the Tennessee debtor education courses. These courses focus on helping you develop the skills needed to make sound financial decisions and avoid future financial troubles. Just like with the credit counseling courses, the cost of each debtor education course is provided. So, if you're considering bankruptcy in Tennessee, be sure to check out these approved courses. They'll equip you with the knowledge and skills to regain control of your finances and pave the way for a brighter financial future.

Miscellaneous Costs

If you're planning to attend a meeting of creditors at the courthouse, you might have to shell out some cash for transportation. Yup, that's right, it's not always free. Oh, and there's one more thing – you might also need to pay for a credit report for your attorney. But hey, don't fret just yet! Your attorney might be able to lend a hand with that credit report situation. Now, let's talk numbers. How much are we talking about here? Well, the cost of transportation to the bankruptcy court can vary depending on where you're headed. 

We’ve made it easier for you to figure that out by hovering over to your district using this interactive map and looking up your nearest bankruptcy court.

Will Inflation Affect the Cost To File Bankruptcy in Tennessee?

So, there's been some talk about inflation and how it might affect attorney fees. Will inflation slow down enough that attorney fees won't go up? Let's dive into whether inflation could have an impact on filing fees and attorney costs in Tennessee.

First things first, the Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing fee got a little bump from $335 to $338. And the Chapter 13 bankruptcy filing fee went from $310 to $313. Now, these changes are pretty minor, so I wouldn't expect them to put a dent in your wallet.

Now, when it comes to attorney fees, things might get a bit trickier. Inflation could mean that bankruptcy attorneys have to shell out more money for their employees and deal with higher living costs, especially in cities like Memphis, Knoxville, and all across Tennessee. And you know what that means - those extra costs might just trickle down to you.

Would My Bankruptcy Cost Be Higher Nashville Than Knoxville?

You know, living in a suburb in Tennessee can make you wonder whether it's better to hire a local attorney or go for someone in a big city like Memphis to save on bankruptcy costs. It's a tough decision, I get it.

Now, Nashville, with its whopping population of 681,928, is the biggest city in Tennessee. You might think that bankruptcy attorney fees would be higher there compared to a smaller city like Knoxville. Makes sense, right?

While the cost might be higher in Nashville, there's also a higher number of bankruptcy attorneys in the mix. And you know what that means? More competition, my friend! And when there's competition, prices tend to drop. So, believe it or not, you might actually find that the total cost to file bankruptcy, including those pesky attorney fees, could be higher in your own city than in Nashville.

Now, here's something you should know. Most bankruptcy attorneys offer free consultations. Yup, you heard me right. Free! So, take advantage of that and get multiple perspectives. And hey, if you want a ballpark figure before diving into those consultations, we've got your back. Just check out our bankruptcy cost calculator below. It takes all those variables into account and gives you an estimate of the all-in cost. 

Why Do Some Attorneys Charge Higher Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Fees? 

You know, when it comes to bankruptcy attorneys in Memphis, it's always a good idea to compare prices. You might be surprised to find that the costs can vary between different attorneys. But here's the thing: when it comes to Chapter 13 bankruptcy attorneys in Knoxville, they often charge the same amount. It's called a "no-look fee" and it's a standard fee for the services they provide. Simple as that.

Now, here's where things get interesting. The fee for Chapter 7 bankruptcy attorneys can vary quite a bit. So, it's important to understand what you're getting for the extra cost. You don't want to be caught off guard, right?

So, what determines the cost of a bankruptcy lawyer? Well, there are a few factors at play:

  1. The type of bankruptcy you're filing. Is it Chapter 7 or Chapter 13?
  2. The complexity of your case. Is it a no-asset case or an asset case?
  3. Your location. Are you in Nashville or Memphis?
  4. The level of connection you have with the attorney.
  5. The attorney's expertise. How many years of experience do they have?

Let me give you an example to make things clearer. Imagine you're making $10,000 more than the median income in Tennessee, but you still want to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Well, in that case, the attorney may have to spend extra time going through your expenses to see if you qualify. You see, being above the median income can complicate things a bit. And as we all know, extra attorney time usually means a higher overall cost.

Now, if you want to dive deeper into this topic, I recommend checking out this article: "Understanding Bankruptcy Lawyer Fees." It's got all the details you need to know. 


Now, I hope this article has shed some light on the costs involved in filing bankruptcy with a bankruptcy lawyer. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out. And hey, if you want to get a rough estimate of the costs specific to Tennessee, go ahead and try out the free Tennessee bankruptcy cost calculator below. It's right at your fingertips!

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